It is important for my patients to realize that not all aspects of aging should carry a negative outlook. Life experiences, acquired intelligence, education and wisdom to name a few are all very positive components that come with age. There are even authors and Physicians’ who prefer the term “longevity medicine” instead of “anti-aging” medicine to emphasize the positive aspects of aging. The benefits of the unique “doctor-patient” partnership, through commitment to the Program, produce real and substantial results. Many of my patients report enhanced energy, libido, sleep, cognitive function, physical strength, endurance and emotional balance. I will never make any outrageous claims that I can cure all diseases or make you live an extra 100 years. What I will promise is to employ natural herbs, supplements and if indicated, hormones such as bio-identical estrogen, testosterone, progesterone and/or human growth hormone to make you feel years younger and maintain your youthful energy, vitality and appearance. My Regenerative Program offers our patients comprehensive concierge-level health maintenance, appropriate supervision of bio-identical hormones (BHRT) and dietary supplements, and provider/patient communication in a professional and private facility. Your participation in my Anti-Aging Program ensures that your care is rendered by a physician.